All children should be in school on time. Children and classes who manage this regularly are recognised and rewarded for their efforts. Please make every effort to ensure that your child arrives on time.
If your child arrives late in the morning it is vital that they come to the SCHOOL OFFICE to be marked in. This ensures your child’s safety and will ensure they are counted in for lunch numbers. Once the children are marked in they are sent to class.
If your child is unwell or unable to attend school for any reason, please contact the school office as soon as possible. You can do this by telephone, e-mail, letter or by contacting the Children’s Attendence Officer – Mrs L Powis.
If a child needs to attend a medical appointment during term time in school hours, it is important that you contact the school beforehand. A member of staff is required to see an appointment card, letter or confirmation email/text. In these situations please come to the school office and a member of staff will collect your child from their class.
Please click here to read about changes to KCC Penalty Fines for Attendance.