Castle Hill Community Primary School
01303 251583

Curriculum Beach School

Beach School

As we are so close to the sea, we are able to take our children to Beach School.

It is so much more than a trip to the beach. It is an extension of the classroom – taking learning outdoors.

Children can learn so much at the beach: Science, Geography, History, English, Maths, Art, Drama . . . . it is all linked to the National Curriculum.

Children can develop: confidence, self-esteem, teamwork, perseverance, tolerance, respect, safety awareness, problem solving skills, communication skills.

We have staff who are fully qualified to lead learning at Beach School. They plan exciting activities, making the most of our local beach, and ensure the safety of our children at all times.

Before your child goes on a trip to the beach, you will receive a Parentmail with all the information you need.

Please click here to view our outdoor learning & educational visits policy.

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