Castle Hill Community Primary School
01303 251583
We teach children to respect others to help them act in a way that shows they care about other's feelings and well-being 
We teach children honesty, to tell the truth and to not do things that they know are wrong
We teach children tolerance, to accept those whose race, religion, opinions, or habits are different to their own
We teach children perseverance, to use their ability and self control to encourage them to work through challenges
We teach children teamwork, to work together using each other's skills and strengths to achieve a common aim

Welcome to Castle Hill Community Primary School

Providing your child with the best possible educational journey.


All the important information you will need to know about our school.



Starting School

At Castle Hill we aim to provide your child with the best possible educational journey.

“Pupils achieve exceptionally well at Castle Hill. Since the previous inspection, pupils’ attainment and progress have strengthened significantly. Pupils are exceptionally friendly and courteous. They work hard, talk enthusiastically about their learning and listen carefully to each other’s ideas.” OfSTED 2018

News and Events

Year 4 recently had a visit from Ian from KIC theatre to help us learn about Anglo Saxons for our History learning. We learnt all about the daily life of an Anglo Saxon peasant and acted out an old story from that time called Beowolf. The children enjoyed being people from another time and learning
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Our children have been making incredible efforts with their reading in November! They have read more words, more books and for longer each day than in October. They also read, on average, for more than 15 minutes each day. This means they have beaten both of their challenges from Mr Talbot, will they keep up
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On Friday 4 October Rochester Class travelled to Rochester to explore the city. The sun shone and we were blessed with good weather. To start the day, we followed a treasure trail, walking in the footsteps of Charles Dickens, the famous Victorian Novelist, seeing some of the shops and houses that he used in many
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On Thursday 24th October Year 3 had Ian visit from KiC theatre. We explored the Stone Age ready for our History learning in term 2. Ian got us to imagine we lived in the Stone Age and we explored many aspects of living in the Stone Age including being hunter-gatherers, looking for tracks to find
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At Castle Hill we challenge our children to spend an average of 15 minutes per day reading and we always challenge them to read more every single month! Therefore it was fantastic to have proved how much the children read in October- they read more words, more books and for longer. It’s brilliant to see everyone reading
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Whitstable class had an action packed day in Whitstable with lots of walking (but not too many grumbles!). Firstly we visited Whitstable beach where the children were astounded by the number of oyster shells. We were lucky enough to see the oyster fishermen out in the sea in their waders. After a brief stroll along
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After arriving at Pierremont Hall on Friday morning, we set off on a Victorian Landmark treasure hunt (that we had designed in class two days before we went). We enjoyed walking along the sandy beach and seeing how far we had come, once we got to the end of the jetty. After lunch, we went
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During our road trip to Sandwich, we took a walk through the town noticing different physical and man-made features. We then went to the Guildhall Museum where we learned about rope-making and how Sandwich used to have large ropes throughout the town when it was a port. Students were able to try making their own
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Deal class recently visited their class town. We explored Deal Castle and then had a talk from Christopher, a guide from English Heritage, who told us all about the history of the castle. We then used map skills to walk to Deal Pier where we enjoyed lunch looking over the sea. We finished our day
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At Castle Hill we aim to provide your child with the best possible educational journey; we believe very passionately that learning should be creative and enjoyable whilst enabling every child to reach their full potential. It is proven that the children in our school make good progress and this is something that we are delighted with. We have an excellent staff team that caters to the individual needs of our children and ensuring that they receive the appropriate guidance and support.

The school has been completely rebuilt, refurbished and redecorated over the last three years. As a result we have fantastic new buildings and resources that you would struggle to find anywhere else. The children learn in a spacious and comfortable environment and have access to a huge range of equipment and technology.

Your child’s education is very much a partnership, we value the input that parents can give. We place a strong emphasis on communication between home and school and we urge parents to be involved as much as possible.

Visits to the school during the day are actively encouraged. We are very proud of our school and would love you to come and see what is going on, particularly when the children are here. If you would like to have a look round, please contact us. Pete Talbot, Head Teacher